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oakley visor spacer help

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This is my first visor. I have a medium ccm resistance 300 and oakley pro modified aviator visor. I'm pretty sure I need to use the "B" spacers. Should the flat or angled side of the spacer be against the helmet? Any help or tips would be appreciated. Thanks.

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If you are going to use the bauer round spacers mentioned above you can find similar options at ace hardware from 1/8 to 1/2 inch thick with functional screws as well.

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It's a preference. Some Bauer HDOs ship with something similar to Oakley's two-hole spacers. I use the Oakley ones as that's what came with my helmet, plus it spreads the contact pressure to a wider surface area and reduces the likelihood of the plastic cracking. Plus it's so much easier to deal with one spacer per side rather than fumbling with the little circular ones.

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This is my first visor. I have a medium ccm resistance 300 and oakley pro modified aviator visor. I'm pretty sure I need to use the "B" spacers. Should the flat or angled side of the spacer be against the helmet? Any help or tips would be appreciated. Thanks.

Flat against the helmet and angled so the visor lays flat against the spacer. The angled Oakley spacers are a vast improvement over the ones Bauer offers

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I ended up using the b spacers from oakley. The round ones weren't big enough. The problem I'm having now is the oakley screw head almost wants to go through the slot and is tearing it up a little bit. I'm going to try some different screws. I think I read bauer screws have bigger heads.

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I ended up using the b spacers from oakley. The round ones weren't big enough. The problem I'm having now is the oakley screw head almost wants to go through the slot and is tearing it up a little bit. I'm going to try some different screws. I think I read bauer screws have bigger heads.

grab something like this from your local hardware store. Just take a screw in and buy a couple washers that fit snugly.


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