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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Skates: Nexus 7000 vs RBZ... maybe Mako?

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I currently have Easton Stealth RS Skates (9.5) that feel pretty good (a little soreness on the outside of my foot/instep) but they are about a half size big and it is really effecting my skating.

So I Recently tried on the full Bauer line and the Nexus 8000 felt by far the best (Size 9) but they did not have the 7000 so i held off for now. Is it worth the difference 8000 vs 7000?

Also tried on the CCM Tacks skate and it felt great also however the Toebox on the Nexus seemed to shape my foot closer. I hear last years RBZ fits similar shaped feet to the Nexus and is heavily discount online right now worth looking into?

Lastly I am tempted to try Mako's as many people on the forums love them and I hear they may be a good fit for my style of foot, only downside is I will have to drive a decent distance to try them on. How do the sizes run?

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If you try the mako, make sure the store molds them for you, out of the box they feel terrible, after molding they feel sweeeeeet! Plus they fit a wide variety of foot shapes, yours might just be one of them.

- biased mako owner

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If you try the mako, make sure the store molds them for you, out of the box they feel terrible, after molding they feel sweeeeeet! Plus they fit a wide variety of foot shapes, yours might just be one of them.

- biased mako owner

Did you feel the sizing was similar to other brands? I cant wait to try them on

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Did you feel the sizing was similar to other brands? I cant wait to try them on

Sizing is all over the spectrum with these, no cut/dry guide you can use. I actually went up one half size going from RBKs to Makos.

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