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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro pants vs retail

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I was wondering if anybody can offer the feedback of the difference between the two. The biggest Concern I have ie weight .Is the pro stock level heavier due to protection?


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Generally heavier duty and more protection. Some models are 2 piece. If you don't want/need the extra protective bulk look at a mid range retail pant. Most top of the line retail pants are very protective too.

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Another difference is, a lot of pro stack pants have openings on the inside that make it easier to take the pads out to wash, and fix up.

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I have a pair of pro-stock Bauer pants from the Sabres. No model indicated on them, they don't seem any heavier or bulkier than other high end pants I've had.

And I have worn them out just as fast as other retail pants Ive had.

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