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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood lie question

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I'm looking to pick up my first sher-wood stick and can't find an answer for one of their patterns. I use the reebok phaneuf/easton parise pattern which is a 5.5 lie, from what I find the equivalent sher-wood pattern is the pp20. Everywhere I look it lists that pattern as a 6.5 lie, which seems odd in itself, but the pattern db on here lists it as a 5.5. So which is right?

Lie makes a huge difference for me so it has to be the same as the 5.5 in the reebok/easton for me to purchase. Thanks for the help!

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not sure if this might help but, be careful when choosing lie on swd.

5.5 lie in swd is somehow the same like lie 5 in easton or bauer.

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FWIW, I find that their Coffey pattern, listed as a 5.5 lie, plays lower than an Easton e4, which is listed as a 5 lie.

SWD and CCM both list about .5 higher than Easton for the same lie

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