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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton V9E vs RBZ100 sticks

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Im currently searching for a new int low kick stick around the $100ish price point. Ive found both the Easton V9E and RBZ100 for 90 bucks. However, i've heard a lot of durability issues about the V9E. Suggestions on either?

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The V9E is a low kick stick, but the RBZ 100 is not. I've used V9E's and haven't had durability issues while others have. Might come down to your style of play regarding durability.

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Yeah RBZ is constant flex, or a non-tapered shaft. If you had to describe it, it's probably more mid-kick than low-kick.

What other sticks have you used and how have they held up. Some guys are tough on sticks and they're the ones who will struggle with the V9E. Others won't have a problem.

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Yeah RBZ is constant flex, or a non-tapered shaft. If you had to describe it, it's probably more mid-kick than low-kick.

What other sticks have you used and how have they held up. Some guys are tough on sticks and they're the ones who will struggle with the V9E. Others won't have a problem.

Im thinking i wont have a problem. Im 5'4 140 and have never broke a stick before. However, my sticks have been mid-tier such as stealth S15/65S so their prob a bit more durable.

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Problems with the V9E were more with the bottom of the blade cracking out rather than shaft breakage, I tend to think you'll be alright as well.

Not sure what flex, handedness and pattern you like, but there are some absolute killer deals on Warrior sticks, especially Intermediates on TH website right now. DT lines fit exactly what you're looking for.

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