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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what Sherwood pattern is closest to a ccm P46

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I'm currently using an rbz 130 with a p46 blade but I'm thinking about picking up a Sherwood t100 because right now on monkey if you buy a t100 you get a t90 for free. I'm not sure what Sherwood pattern would match closest to a ccm p46. Thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated.

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p46 is pretty close to the Coffey curve, although with a square toe. I've has a few guys switch to the p46 when they were looking for a Coffey curve and didn't miss a beat

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CCM p46 = Bauer p14 = Sherwood p14 (clone). If you can't find that, it's closer to a p92 in Bauer which is a p26 Stastny in Shewood , (or the new Trouba curve) which is just a p26 with a lower lie.


So the ccm P46 is a 5.5 lie so in the Sherwood do you think I'd be better off with the p26 or p92. Also since the rbz has a variable kick point should I go for a mid kick or low kick in the Sherwood because they offer both options. I mostly take wristers and snap shots with the occasional slapper.

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