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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Bags

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Ya for everyone offending my puntuation i dont care and for mack im not from the states just to tell you

So why bother to come here and post if you don't plan on making any sense?

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I use one too. Keeping the leather nice in my mustang is a lot more important then looking cool. Plus I can think of a lot gayer things then carrying your sticks in a bag.

The first time I brought a stick bag into the change room my team mates started laughing at me, but that doesn't really bother me. I don't let them dictate to me what is right and wrong.

I use a hockey bag for a few reasons:

1) I usually carry 3 hockey sticks (1 powerplay, 1 penalty kill, 1 chippy games)

so I find it easier to carry around.

2) to minimize black hockey tape and wax marks from being smudged around.

3) helps prevent jokers who break their own stick and pass by the bench and just grabbing a spare stick without asking. I can't believe people who do this and let loose with hard slap shots and they know its not their stick.

4) thermal protection. Ok I know this one is a little iffy but my friend claims that it may actually increase the sticks lifespan. He says when you bring a hockey stick from your house into the cold winter temperature and then into the rink and start ripping away shots the stick is more vulnerable to snapping then if you kept the sticks in a hockey stick bag. I don't really know if this is true or not, but it seems somewhat believable ?

you know you are a mess when u have different sticks for different parts of the game. if your good enough, you can use 1 stick for the whole game. having 3 different sticks is just a joke. like really are you that much of an idiot?

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I was thinking the same thing. Lots of pros use different sticks for different situations. It seems perfectly reasonable to me.

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Its not just D who do, but forwards do as well. Perfect example is Mogilny. He has a Sakic clone, a huge toe, and then a heel if I'm not mistaken.

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Mogilny as well I believe (that may have been the heel you were talking about). If you play competively you'll need at least 2 sticks, if both are illegal curves you may want a "3rd period stick" incase it's a meaningful game and they attempt to call you. There's your 3, if your a forward and play point on the PP you may want a stiffer stick for slapshots. There's alot of reasons to switch and really none of that had anything to do with not being "good enough". Guys like St.Louis and Kovalchuk could play with a long stick and a glass bottle tied on the end, but because they are good enough they should stop? Why not take advantage of technology if they have the funds?

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yah, who cares how many sticks you have. what equipment you play with is your own business. If you want to play with 20 sticks on the bench, so be it. I mean, i usually have 2, one for backup and just in case I'm just not feeling the stick I'm playing with. But I can totally understand for different situations. I use a really short stick most of the time and I have no reach because of the short length. I should actually make longer stick for pk and keep that on the bench.

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