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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wallpaper Thread ....post photos

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I'll start off by posting what I use now. This thread is just for the actual photo, not like the "Show Your Desktop" thread...(not that there's anything wrong with that!) :P . Anyways, I bought a case of Guinness the other night & it came with a little cd, so that got me started. I copied this image from the screensaver that came with it. I know there's several people on board who'll enjoy this one!!!

It's 1024x768 of pure refreshment!!!


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Damnit, I set the guiness pic as my wallpaper and now I'm thirsty.

and that icy cold sweat dripping down the side of the glass...ohhh...

hey if you think the pic is bad...you should see the screensaver...all it is - is that pic with beads of sweat running down the glass & of course, the bubbles rising...i can post it somewhere if you want the screensaver...

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