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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX skates-first impressions

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Just thought I'd give (and also get) a little feedback on these skates.

I just played my first two games (Sunday) on the XXX's.

Coming from '02 model Vapor 6's, I was very surprised that my feet didn't hurt at all throughout my time on the ice (not even in the very beginning). Great support! I had no idea how bad my 6's had broken down until I skated on the XXX's. My ability to accelerate from a dead stop and change direction is back. I had a lot of scoring chances and scored and assisted on two. The only thing I had some trouble with was the slightly different pitch of the holder.

At this point my main concern is durability. Given my build (6'2" 215 lbs) I hope I can get a year or two out of these, but I'm not crossing my fingers.

I hope everybody has goodluck with these skates.

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