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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blister help.....

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I know this doesn't belong here, but it's the most view area on the forum, so I'm hoping for some quick help.

I have a blister on the inside of my right heel from skating last night. My stupid sock slipped and folded over and now I have a fresh blister with a fluid pocket.

I have a game tonight and I'm trying figure out the best way to play with this thing. I'm so pissed. I have not had a blister in so many years. Do I pop it, leave it, mole skin "o" thingy over it......

Any tips?


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I have only had a couple from skating over the years but I popped them and put some duct tape over the them. A band aid blister protector under the tape would be less painful.

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I'd pierce it with a needle to drain the fliud (not "pop" it). Then cover it with one of the hydrocolloid type bandaids. I found the Dr Scholl's brand to work very well, and better than the Band-aid brand. I got a blister the day a 4 day camp started (from my shoes not my skates). I used the Dr Scholl's protectors and I didn't have any problems or pain whatsoever. They stayed in place perfectly and are pretty thin so you don't notice them.


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