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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick flex slow motion camera pics today

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So I showed up wayyy too early to my game tonight and decided to mess around with my iPhones slow motion camera a bit. I untaped my stick and took so shots on the trash can, broke down the video and got some slow motion flex pics out of it.

The stick:

Nexus 1000 P88 102 Flex

The first picture is a slap shot and the second is a snapshot.



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I'm not tall at all. I don't cut my sticks I actually add an inch. I'm 5'9 or so.

I'm 5'6 so I feel you have enough tall...!

But also it seems you are very strong. Nice biceps. I had played with long stick too for more strong shooting as St.Louis. I had cut my sticks at my nose or eye. My brother, who is the same tall as me have been playing with cutting his stick at his eyebrow or more. He has used 100~120flex or TPS stiff. I couldn't use such flex so used 85flex.

Current I've changed my stick length shorter so go flex to down. I'm jealousy I wanted to flex such stiffer stick and shoot strong as you.

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Flex is preference really. I've used as low as 77 but you also add flex when you cut so if you're 5'6 with an 87 flex and you cut it 2 inches it's now a 96 flex and gets stiffer the more you cut. If you're 5'6 I'd get an intermediate stick honestly but again it depends on your technique, type of stick you like and what kind of shots you take. There are also guys using 100 flex sticks that weigh less than I do and shoot very well with them

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