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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton vs Bauer stick length specs?

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Does anyone know the EXACT length of Easton sticks vs Bauer? I've searched web sites and the specs, some say 59.5 inches, others say 64 inches for Easton V9 senior. Each site has something different and I was looking for confirmation so I don't cut my new HTX too short. I don't have another stick to match it up for length since I had to send my V9 out for warranty.

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That is the problem. Internet spec info is wrong because every Bauer stick I've had side by side to an Easton the Easton seems to be half an inch longer but I don't have a V9 to compare and they aren't in store anymore. I have an 85 flex Senior E28 HTX and nothing to size it up to for cutting. I typically cut one inch off Bauer so that's why I'm trying to see what the equivalent is.

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