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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's the best hockey gloves for my 18 year old son?

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The ones that fit him best! Do you know if he likes a specific brand? Warrior and Bauer both make really nice mitts so have a look at the Dynasty AX1s and Covert DT1 along with the Bauer MX3 and APX2 Pro!

Good luck!

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Thanks, he use Tron now, i think he would like a pair of Bauer.

The ones that fit him best! Do you know if he likes a specific brand? Warrior and Bauer both make really nice mitts so have a look at the Dynasty AX1s and Covert DT1 along with the Bauer MX3 and APX2 Pro!

Good luck!

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Best is really relative, though just about anything would be better than what he's got.

Gloves all have very different fits (Bauer has three lines for example).

Is he new to hockey? I assume being 18 and wearing Tron gloves he's not exactly headed for the NHL ;) If he's new and doesn't have established preferences then I think I'd recommend Bauer Vapor as a starting point until he figures out what he likes and doesn't like. Though ideally you'd just bring him to a store and try stuff on. But even then I think I'd have him try on Vapors and then compare everything else to them.

I personally started with Vapor and decided I wanted a bit tighter after I used them a couple months. Went to Supreme. Then Warrior Projekt, (great hand width but too narrow cuff), Warrior Koncept (great gloves but discontinued), and now using Sher-Wood EK15

If he's NOT new to hockey then you need to ask him his preferences and again best to take him to a store to try stuff on.

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...Any prostock gloves that fit him and he finds comfortable would be the perfect gift. Otherwise, you're just stuck with an expensive glove that (I assume) is a pain in the ass to return.

Do you have a local shop that he prefers? Maybe a gift certificate, with the stipulation that it's used on gloves. Or, if that store has a good return policy (which most places do with unused equipment), buy him a pair you think he'd like, and return them for something he likes if he's not into them.

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Thanks, he use Tron now, i think he would like a pair of Bauer.

I really like the Bauer X100 gloves very light gloves good protection and cheaper than the APX2 pros. I also own the APX2 pros but I like the X100s better.

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