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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth Cx vs qr1 vs reckoner

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Really liked the v9e, love the qr1. Only experience with the stealth and reckoner are in a shooting booth.

Just seeing for those that have tried all three what you noticed was same or different...better or worse. They're all low kicks so will be similar with subtle differences.... I get that

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Really liked the v9e, love the qr1. Only experience with the stealth and reckoner are in a shooting booth.

Just seeing for those that have tried all three what you noticed was same or different...better or worse. They're all low kicks so will be similar with subtle differences.... I get that

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Well, I sold the Cx. Just didn't feel right. Really like the qr1. Need to try the reckoner. I actually sold my Cx, true a5 and a6.....only have qr1. As weird as it sounds my favorite feature of it is the shaft size/shape.........just feels right in my hands. ??

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