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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slap shot curve?

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Any of them will work, it all depends on your technique and where you strike the puck with your blade. If you want the more forgiving curve then you pick a 40.

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+1 on technique, I can hit a solid slapshot anywhere I want using a curve as mild as an E3/PM9 or as extreme as a Drury/P91 pitching wedge.

As suggested by Vet88, a p40 would be a solid curve to go with.

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My vote is for a Drury style pattern. Takes some time to learn how to stick handle with, but i feel you get the best shots with this pattern. Wrist shots and slap shots. You have to start everything off the heal though. Takes some getting used to. When you get a deep flex in your shaft during a slapshot the blade face stays more vertical and squared up to the puck. I used to have an old Al MacGinnis pro stock Sherwood and it was like a Drury with more heal curve and very open. It worked out pretty well for him.

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As the rest are saying, the P40 is the most forgiving and has a decent sweet spot for striking in the middle of the blade. The P46 has a pretty flat heel but would be best for wristers. Regardless, I'd probably still go the P40 route.

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