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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade position on skates

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Ive been using t-blade's for almost a year now and ive recently been pointed out that im using the wrong set-up. I use M-11-280. At a camp, the instructor told me when im standing straight up and down I am back on my heels and it prevents me from keeping low and in a good stance. Im on my last set of runners amd am about to put in a new order. So, what should i change to make me less on my heels? The rocker or hallow? What would u suggest i change my set up to so i can correct my stance more on my toes?



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you'll need heel lifts.

Word! I put heel lifts on my t'bladed skates and it works great for me. Couldn't go with the standard pitch anymore.

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Curious why he would be back on his heels to begin with. I find it hard to believe t-blade holders aren't at least balanced with zero pitch. Only thing i can think of is the holders were mounted incorrectly front to back. I don't have a lot of experience with the T's, as virtually all of my customers have dumped them and gone back to regular holders/steel. But i would like to know if this "off balance" feel is common with other T blade users.

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Curious why he would be back on his heels to begin with. I find it hard to believe t-blade holders aren't at least balanced with zero pitch. Only thing i can think of is the holders were mounted incorrectly front to back. I don't have a lot of experience with the T's, as virtually all of my customers have dumped them and gone back to regular holders/steel. But i would like to know if this "off balance" feel is common with other T blade users.

I felt alot of forward tilt on my 609/t'blade set-up, but which I wasn't exactly in love with, but I didn't feel really off balance.

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im playing on 727's. I have no idea why but when i go into a tight turn, im on my heels more then toe's unless i get so low its not normal. My skating is average but the instructor said i could be limited because the heels are noticeably higher then my toes. Hope that helps explain my problems a little more.


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im playing on 727's. I have no idea why but when i go into a tight turn, im on my heels more then toe's unless i get so low its not normal. My skating is average but the instructor said i could be limited because the heels are noticeably higher then my toes. Hope that helps explain my problems a little more.


If your heels were much higher than your toes, you should be on your toes. I didn't find the 727 to feel pitched forward as much as other Grafs though.

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The way i worded it you are correct. What really happens is that the toe is higher then the heel. What the feels like is that when i corner, the heels are leading me into the turn rather then the toes and it makes me lean back more rather then get lower. When my skate is flat on the ground/ ice, the toe of my skate is elevated rather then even all the way through the rocker. Ill see what i can do for pics to help explain....


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