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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Colored and Tinted Visors

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Hey All,

I searched the forums but couldn't find what I was looking for. I stopped wearing any face protection a little over a year ago because I mainly just play shinny and go to stick times. However that has changed since I've developed some light sensitivity and certain amounts of white light give me headaches and eye aches and I get cloudy vision.

Also, I'll be spending a couple weeks in Toronto and plan on playing some outdoor puck.So I know I need to plan on purchasing a couple visors. I have yellow, blue, and tinted oakley visors available to me.

Can everyone drop some knowledge. I was comparing them to colored lenses for sunglasses to find an answer but know it's probably slightly off. Thanks!

Tinted - Anti-fatigue. Good in all conditions. True color perception. Reduces Glare.

Yellow - Clarity in lower light conditions. Good for first and last light.

Blue - Reduces glare. Better to see contours. Improved color perception. Good in misty, foggy, and snowy conditions.

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i too suffer from "Ocular Migraines" when a flood of light will cause your eye to basically shut down. it feels and looks like someone is holding a huge sheet of white paper at the side of my head.

have you looked into tinted sport glasses (goggles) if its just a few weeks?

because see step #20: https://youtu.be/6KoaMBvw9q8?t=2m41s

that said, he IS playing indoors, and clearly you'd be playing outside...

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Culturally, that only applies to mirrored visors. Most people know me at my rink. I worked there for some time. I doubt I'd hear any comments from anyone other than a hockey coach.

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ok ya got me, it IS mirrored and not tinted.

looks like visors come polarized or tinted, but i can't find both. to me that would be the best solution. my everyday sunglasses are polarized with smoke tint. even in low light (dusk) i can wear them with plenty of clarity.

or you could just,


i know i'm not much help, just here for comic relief.

i'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your servers, and try the veal!

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I had a Itech/Bauer visor destroyed by the sun when I wore it outside for a roller tournament years ago. Something you may want to watch out for.

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