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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer vs Oakley visors

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I am currently using an Oakley V904 Pro straight short and was wondering if anyone has used any of Bauers visors. I see Kessel, Toews, Kane, Eberle all in them and even Eriksson with his Easton E700. I don't know what models are popular but I'm curious to see if Bauer visors are better than Oakely and if there's even really a difference.

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That's kind of what I figured because any time I search I can't find them at a big box store. I'll stick with Oakley in that case. No point in hunting for something that isn't exactly worth the hunt

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Buy the Oakley now, because they will become scarce in the near future unless something changes...

What's going on with that? Is Oakley going to be out of the visor game? I have a v904 pro straight short right now (Crosby)

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There are times in which I will post things on MSH and not provide further information. There's a reason as to why that is the case.

When more details are allowed to be released, they will be.

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