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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme TotalOne MX3 & NXG (Fit Question)

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Hi Team,

6 months ago I upgraded from a Supreme TotalOne NXG 'Size 7.0D' baked once with yellow superfeet.

This skate was unbelievable! The perfect fit for me in every which way possible. I was in love with this boot as I had found 'the skate' I was always looking for.

After 2 seasons of skating 5 times a week, (drop in, stick & puck, team practice and a weekly game or two), naturally my beloved NXG boot broke down over time and I was ready to make a move into the next generation of Supreme.

I'll stop here for a second and explain that the NXG toward the end started giving me grief due to lace bite and based on my research, this is a common problem with the NXG as you would all know, the felt tongue is extremely thin and the carbon inserts break down and crease over time.

Now, fast forward 6 months and I'm skating the same 5 skates a week in the TotalOne MX3 'Size 7.0D' baked once with yellow superfeet.

I'm having two problems.

Not a major issue but the injected lacing system has begun to interfere with my shin pads clicking and getting caught during a stride. I think a few of you have customised your guards to avoid the interference between the bottom of the pad and top of the skate just above the top lace loop. I'll just have to deal with this or move into a new shin pad that sits a little higher above the skate.

I'm experiencing terrible forefoot pain. I lace the skate exactly the same way I laced my NXG's. Non waxed, bauer, 96" thin white laces. The boot was baked exactly the same way as the NXG with the exact same size yellow superfeet cut to the exact shape as my previous footbed.

Can anyone explain why the skate doesn't fit the same as its previous model when in theory it should? I never experienced pain in the NXG's and they were an absolute dream to skate and play in.

Also, can anyone recommend a solution to the pain? I have tried lacing the skate looser, finger tight almost and they feel loose and I'm not getting enough out of my stride.

I was thinking that switching from the yellow superfeet to the stock footbed may open up some more space inside the boot.


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It sounds like the injected lacing might be messing with the volume.

I'd try the skate with stock insoles and trouble shoot for starters

Thanks mate.

I'll skate for an hour and a half tonight so we'll see how it goes.

I'm going to test two solutions to your theory around the injected lacing 'volume problem'.

1. Thinner socks.

2. Stock footbed replacing the yellow superfeet.

See how we go.

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I'm experiencing terrible forefoot pain. I lace the skate exactly the same way I laced my NXG's. Non waxed, bauer, 96" thin white laces. The boot was baked exactly the same way as the NXG with the exact same size yellow superfeet cut to the exact shape as my previous footbed.

Where is the pain? Top, bottom, side, front of the arch, etc?

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