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Bauer Nexus 1N vs. Warrior Dynasty HD1

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Hey everyone. It's new stick time, and as usual I'm hoping you all can help me out. I've narrowed it down to the sticks noted in the thread title. There's a lot of great info on these boards about the 1N, but not finding much about the Dynasty. If I missed it, I'd sure appreciate a link.

A couple things to note: I'm currently using a Covert QR Pro, but want to get back to the mid-kick profile. The low is alright, but maybe not optimal for my game. I've got a 75 flex with the w-71 curve. I love the curve, but Bauer does not offer an equivalent. If I end up going with the Bauer, I'd probably switch to the p-28, as that looks the closest, though with a little more toe and a little more open.

Based on some of the comments on the 1N, it sounds like the stick is pretty whippy and I might want to go to an 87 flex? Other sites have noted the Dynasty plays a little more stiffly, so I'd stick with the 75. I tested them both in my lhs, but it's kinda hard to tell, standing in aisle as compared to a game situation.

Any other thoughts or opinions you all could share are appreciated!

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I've used the 1000 and the Tacks. Never tried True before. I have used previous Dynasty models, though not for several years, so I don't know what the upgrades are like. Never really played a game, but borrowed a friend's RBZ for a little shoot around.

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I have a 1N and although I like the feel of it, I like my True Xcore9 more. Bit more pop to it. I really liked my Tacks and assume the Ultra Tacks will play similar. Many people were seeded with HD1 sticks. Are several you tube videos out there and I think a review posted on MSH as well.

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Thanks for the stick suggestions. It gives me some more to think about.

Any thoughts on the curve situation? If I move away from Warrior, I'll have to pick a new curve. Is a "28" clone going to be my best option?

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