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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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when to replace steel?

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Ever since I started sharpening my own skates, I definitely sharpen much more frequently (to my liking). Decided to take my steel off and compare it to a brand new set of steel. Wanted to get opinions on how much more life I can get out of the current steel. These are CCM Hyperglides on SB 4.0+ holders. Currently when in the holder, I have a little less than 7/16 of an inch exposed. Side by side comparison (as shown in the image with the green guide) shows that I've grinded away about 1/8 of an inch from new.

I've noticed lately (but not frequently) that sometimes when I make a very sharp turn, my boot will hit the ice "bottoming out" from me, but it's very rare, but something that hasn't occurred before, which I know is a sign that the steels might start to be getting short.




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This is all second-hand from a pro shop guy I talked to about this once, so if anyone has better info please add/correct.

I asked once when to replace my steel and he said he usually starts recommending a runner replacement when there's 10mm of exposed steel (when mounted in the holder) and that he wouldn't go under 8mm personally but he's seen people do it.

At 7/16" you are at 11.11mm so you should have a few sharpenings left based on this guidance. However if you're starting to lose that edge I'd definitely think about a replacement soon.

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