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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New to Roller Hockey

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Hey guys,

I am brand new to roller hockey, and the game of hockey in general. I started playing drop in this past year, and I am entering a mens league next year. However, I want to play roller with my friends over the summer, and I am in need of some guidance. I don't have any roller blades right now, and I don't want to spend tons of money being that I am on a college budget. So, what would you guys recommend as the best brand with the most reasonable pricing. Also, are ice hockey sticks and roller sticks the same? Sorry for all these questions, but I figured you guys would be able to help me out. Thanks!

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54 minutes ago, Wingsnut13 said:

Hey guys,

I don't have any roller blades right now, and I don't want to spend tons of money being that I am on a college budget. So, what would you guys recommend as the best brand with the most reasonable pricing.

What ice skate do you use?  Do you like the fit?  If so, I would base your roller skate purchase on the best fit.

55 minutes ago, Wingsnut13 said:

Also, are ice hockey sticks and roller sticks the same?

Depends on which surface you will be playing on. 

  • If you are on sport court, you can use the same sticks. 
  • If you are playing on asphalt/concrete you will want something with an ABS blade to slow down the wear process.  You can buy a wood stick with ABS blade, or get a shaft/blade combo.

Some people might change up the flex, since the pucks can be lighter.

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Everyone else will tell you the same thing. It is all about fit. There are lots of skates at a huge range of price points, but in general, you don't need the absolute top of the line, but be wary of the  very entry level ones. I think the midrange skates in the $200-$300 range are really solid. Previous year closeouts can be a good deal, but seriously, go and try on skates at a local hockey shop (and get them baked). You will probably have these skates for years, get ones that fit you right. I have been looking at Alkali skates, they seem to get rave reviews.

The stick (as well as what wheels you use) really depends on what surface you play on. If you are playing on sportcourt/tiles you can use all the fancy one piece sticks. If you are skating on concrete/asphalt you need an abs blade. I use a shaft/abs blade combo for outside skating, and a one piece Warrior for sportcourt.

I hope that helps!

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I would just like to reiterate... If you're playing roller on a concrete surface, DO NOT buy a super expensive composite stick. I taught some friends how to play about ten years ago, my one friend went out and bought a $100 composite stick. We were playing on an outdoor concrete roller hockey surface. It lasted him one month before the blade completely disintegrated. 


If you're indoor on sport court, by all means buy a fancy expensive composite. Personally, for outdoor play I like the $20-$30 one piece wood sticks with the ABS blades. They're cheap, but unfortunately usually much shorter. 

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I have an old two piece stick I will probably buy a plug and abs blade for. I also bought a pair of mission pronto skates from play it again. They're in good condition and the salesman there told me they would be a good starter skate. Any tips on making the ice to roller transition any easier? Thanks for all the help guys

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15 hours ago, Wingsnut13 said:

I have an old two piece stick I will probably buy a plug and abs blade for. I also bought a pair of mission pronto skates from play it again. They're in good condition and the salesman there told me they would be a good starter skate. Any tips on making the ice to roller transition any easier? Thanks for all the help guys

Find some empty flat area and just skate around a bit. I'm not a good ice skater, I'm ok on inlines though. Biggest differences will be stopping and the higher amount of force you exert to reach a similar speed. 

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There is no shortcut other than skating. Get yourself a green biscuit (inline warehouse sell them), some hard wheels (84a or higher) and find yourself a suitable skating surface and skate your heart out whilst puck handling with the biscuit, there is no quicker way than this to cross over from ice other than having your own inline rink to skate at.

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