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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Using Krazy Glue for repairs on gear

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Have some stitching coming apart on some protective equipment (pants/shins) and wondering if instead of sewing or taping the tears, if I could maybe bond them with super glue.  I've seen this done with fabrics (such as hemming), but wondering if it was a good idea for hockey equipment.  Major concern is that when the glue hardens, that it may be too rigid and actually could create a rough edge that could cause abrasion against the body, other equipment, etc.  Anyone try this before and how were the results?  Thanks.

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I guess it would specifically depend where this repair would be located. I tend to stick with stitching everything, but I guess it couldn't hurt to give it a try. My only hesitation would be when the material gets repetitively wet, will it still hold over time?

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I had an issue with some stitching that came apart on my budget elbow pads. I did sew it with some upholstery thread, but I added some Shoe Goo to it to reinforce and seal the stitching in. It's held up great for two months now. Shoe Goo dries with some flexibility so it definitely works better than super glue.

I also had some fabric on some gloves start to unravel, once again, slapped some shoe goo on it and it's been fine ever since.

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