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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Skate Locks Replacement Kits

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Hey guys.  I can't find a set of these Reebok Skate Locks Replacement Kits anywhere here in Vancouver, or online in Canada for that matter.  Anyone know of a source?


Lots of online shops in the States have them but they all want 40 bucks to ship across the border.

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If you haven't checked them out already, try your local Source For Sports.  My son found me (4) individual locks for about $1 to $2 total in Calgary, but you might still need to spend on hardware fasteners - he used leftover Bauer cage screws/nuts on my skates.  (Thanks son!)

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Ended up calling my local Source For Sports and they special-ordered some for me.  Thanks again!

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