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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Built in Lift - I have an issue with leg length discrepancy

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I am about to order the VH, but my chiropractor indicates that I should have a 6 mm built in for my right leg as he feels I have a “functional” short right leg where my pelvis or vertebra or something else is off. He suggested to get a full length X-ray to confirm the amount, his assessment was 6 mm and I have been skating with an outside 6 mm lift for sometime now and they seem natural, nothing out of the ordinary. If it feels OK then maybe I should go with it.


My family doctor felt getting the proper length was a good idea and I told him that the chiropractor said it should be done using an X-ray called a Scanogram, where you lay flat while being X-rayed with no weight bearing and will show other factors that are negated by the normal standing X-Ray would.


Off I go for the X-Ray and I say Scanogram and I get a funny look and I am X-Rayed standing up! Not the Scanogram that we had hoped for.

The X-Ray came back negative!  My leg length was fine, but my chiropractor is still insisting that there is a "functional" shortening and I believe him.


If I walk without a 6 mm lift in my right shoe my right foot will plant itself on the ground and when the left leg moves through my gait and lands it is longer and I find that my right shoe turns in a clockwise direction trying to catch up to the longer left leg. You can even see in my old shoes where I have swirl in a clockwise direction in the sole area, truly showing that something is not right.


Someone on the forum must have this type of issue or knows of someone. I was almost going to say I will go with no built in lift, but the more I pay attention to my own shoes with the lift in and then out I am convinced that I should add the lift.


I have learned that being a bit pronated or flatfooted, wonkey knee or other issues as mentioned the pelvis being the same height but crooked or my lumbar spine could be an issue after two bouts of Sciatica and the last one has not left me after 3 years.

Anyone have this problem and want to share experiences of the short leg syndrome before I order.


Any help would be appreciated as I would like to place an order next week so I can get at least a few games in. I could wait, but then the price could go up or the wait longer etc., etc.


Thanks - Alan



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Going through the same thing. Your leg length discrepancy is most likely what you have alluded to with your pelvis being out of alignment. You need to find a good PT that is going to give you corrective exercises to fix this issue. Problem is fining a PT who understands the issue is tough. I'd assume that one side of your body is much tighter than the other when you stretch. There's tons of information on corrective exercises for postural, pelvic and hip alignment, but from my experience it's a tedious process. Adding lifts may help but it only is masking the real issue. Hope this helps a little bit for you. 

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Have your doctor review the X-ray findings and get his opinion as to whether you have or don't have a leg length discrepancy.  He will also have the ability/option to refer you to an orthopedist if he has any doubts for further evaluation.

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1 hour ago, caseyjones said:

Going through the same thing. Your leg length discrepancy is most likely what you have alluded to with your pelvis being out of alignment. You need to find a good PT that is going to give you corrective exercises to fix this issue. Problem is fining a PT who understands the issue is tough. I'd assume that one side of your body is much tighter than the other when you stretch. There's tons of information on corrective exercises for postural, pelvic and hip alignment, but from my experience it's a tedious process. Adding lifts may help but it only is masking the real issue. Hope this helps a little bit for you. 

My chiropractor feels that the lift is the way to go, perhaps it is because of the ongoing sciatica. I have been given exercises to alleviate the sciatica (not working except the lifts seem to somewhat), but not sure if the exercises were for the week versus strong muscles.


The exercises have not helped much and the fact I just turned 67 can add that dimension to my problem. Many of us at this age have some osteoarthritis issues, like my knee and back and I can list . Forget the successful shoulder surgeries I have gone through. My X-Ray for my leg length discrepancy turned up an old fracture to my ankle, but I did not bother to see a doctor and missed 2 months of hockey and limped around. That was 10 years ago!


Once again to the sciatica issue, for the last one 3 years ago, I have been taken "good medication" for the back and periformis pain. You are probably saying why don't you quit. Nothing much has changed and the neurologist indicates that his view of the CT scan does not yet warrant the chances of surgery. He said if you can play hockey continue to do so. That's where I am an, d lucky to do so, a friend of mine can't skate at all. I am just sore after hockey.


I am not sure I have answered your question, but thanks for giving me some advice. I was just thinking that before this latest issue of sciatica I was full time  (late starter) at Tae Kwon Do doing all sorts of exercises for the past 20+ years (2nd degree black). I was in the best shape of my life. But, If different exercises were to help I wonder how long would it stabilize my pelvis or whatever given my problem. It is odd though, I do have my right foot over pronating, but not sever and after the last sciatica issue my left arch has mild pronation. Also, I have noticed that there is a swing. I have used wedgies medially inside the boot to give me more support then I would have to back off at some points. Crazy!





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1 hour ago, mojo122 said:

Have your doctor review the X-ray findings and get his opinion as to whether you have or don't have a leg length discrepancy.  He will also have the ability/option to refer you to an orthopedist if he has any doubts for further evaluation.


Thanks, but my doctor indicates he cannot refute the Orthoroentenogram that I had even though I tried to show him in his office the apparent way I walk and what my right leg is doing. I was sort of dismissed although he said if the chiropractor feels I need 6 mm perhaps go with it sinceI told him I was using that on my skates at that point.


I tried calling the hospital to find out if they had a Scanogram and they will  not speak to me and suggested I email them. I have and got the reply that I should hear something in 4 or 5 days, 2 weeks ago!


Thanks for the comments, but I would like to order the skates and I tend to feel the Chriopractor/Perdorthist is correct!?



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4 minutes ago, smu said:


Thanks, but my doctor indicates he cannot refute the Orthoroentenogram that I had even though I tried to show him in his office the apparent way I walk and what my right leg is doing. I was sort of dismissed although he said if the chiropractor feels I need 6 mm perhaps go with it sinceI told him I was using that on my skates at that point.


Might be the first time I have heard a physician deferring to a chiropractor.  How happy are you with your current family doctor?

4 minutes ago, smu said:


I tried calling the hospital to find out if they had a Scanogram and they will  not speak to me and suggested I email them. I have and got the reply that I should hear something in 4 or 5 days, 2 weeks ago!


Sounds like they have to find someone there who knows what a Scanogram is? 

4 minutes ago, smu said:


Thanks for the comments, but I would like to order the skates and I tend to feel the Chriopractor/Perdorthist is correct!?


If need be you can always remove or decrease the size of the lift down the line.  Good luck.  

4 minutes ago, smu said:




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1 hour ago, mojo122 said:


Might be the first time I have heard a physician deferring to a chiropractor.  How happy are you with your current family doctor?




Sounds like they have to find someone there who knows what a Scanogram is? 


If need be you can always remove or decrease the size of the lift down the line.  Good luck.  



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Thanks Mojo,


My doctor is fairly good, but I don't think he understood what a Scanogram was either, the Chiropractor/Perdorthist felt that our hospital (population of suburbs of Halifax Nova Scotia 400,000 + use it) does not have one and I am trying to find out. I am waiting a reply from them but none yet. My discussions with my doctor prior to the X-Ray felt that the Chiro may have a point and me showing him in his office what in fact is happening makes me feel that he believes him.


If I purchase the VH I can't remove the lift, it is molded in, right now I have them on the bottom with rivets. easy removal.


I do agree that from what I overheard at the hospital they do have the Sacanogram, that's why I had to email them for an answer. They would not tell me over the phone. Perhaps I will ask the doctor to call.


What I want is to have the skates get my center of gravity over my blades thus eliminating my pronation problems I have been having over the past 3 years. in particular, since the last Sciatica episode.


The sooner I get the skates the more chance I have to play with them before the season is over, but...


Thanks again,



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Should I be posting my topic on this board, perhaps I am on the wrong one as I was just started t follow the VH line of skates.


It seems like another new thread in a different place on the forum might be better and have a wider reach, but I don't know.



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