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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey Guys,

Over the years i have gotten a heap of great info from this site, and i decided to try wearing my TruSox as skating socks.

essentially these are marketed and used by Football (soccer) Players myself included - to offer more grip between foot and boot

website here: https://www.trusox.com/


they are quite pricey, and offer nothing in way of cut resistance for you guys out there looking for protective socks.

But after using them for football i was quite happy with the level of grip, or should i say lack of blisters when its either wet conditions, or hot (and i sweat alot = wet inside) or Both (hey its australia).


Anyway i used them this past weekend to a game of drop in as a trial - and similar results with my skates to my football boots - i felt i didnt need to really clamp down my laces as hard (i get severe foot pain in skates but thats another story). So it seemed more comfortable .

i have in the past used under armour  compression socks, which are nice and thin, but take no time to become soaked. Tru sox were a little better. But i have the 'thicker' option (as i said i got them for football) But i will look at getting a 2nd pair of the thinner version for hockey.

From all the research i did before purchasing , the rubber tabs seem to last quite a while .


Anyway hope this helps someone in some way, as i know i get a heap of info here.




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as Fcalog stated - they get really grippy when they are damp (you sweat).


getting your foot in the skate is easy - may require slightly looser laces then previously but not that much of an issue.

Pulling your feet out - i have only been wearing them with stock ccm liners from U12 skates - and the front half of the liner does sort of stick to sock until my foot is half out (i guess the width of forefoot part of liner cant fit flat..

$40 isnt cheap for socks i agree... but $800 for skates isnt cheap either - its all about Value for money - doesnt need to be cheap to get that - if they perform.

But with the amount of different purchases made by people on this forum for little advantages so to speak its not that bad - considering the cost of over 'skate socks' that are on the market.



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I just thought i would follow up on this - as i needed some new trusox a while back (one pair wasnt enough to use through a week of my football/hockey commitments. So i purchased some cheaper

Ebay copies .. they are all over ebay under the name Tocksox.

Yes they are not as good as the proper ones, but for about $5 a pair posted - i stockpiled incase they dont last as long (ive been wearing them for approx 2 months and not that bad).

The only difference i have noticed is the quality of rubber and the rubber is only on the outside (still gives alot of grip).

So for $5 i would say its cheap to trial it if you find your feet slip at all.

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fair point - but what i have found is they work really well when wet - hence my initial use for soccer/football .

As i stated before i do sweat a fair bit in general - my feet are not immune - but also the ice/water conditions we deal with over here contribute to wet feet/gear.


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17 hours ago, A2rhino said:

Great idea but I would like to think if your skates fit you correctly you wouldn't need these.

My skates fit very well (Mako IIs), but I'll tell you, 30 min into a drop in or game in JUly/Aug in this humidity, my boots, socks and feet are all soaked and I'm slopping all over the place.  I might just give these a try. 

Thanks for the suggestion bnr032.

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