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Bauer Nexus pant sizing

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Hi all, I'm looking for some help with pant sizing.  I know this comes up fairly often, but I couldn't find anything specific (or recent) on the Nexus line.  So for the short version of my questions: does anyone know how much longer the tall sizes of the Nexus 1000 pants actually are, and do these look too short?  I’ve seen the added tall length as anywhere between 1 and 2” on the different web stores.

For the long version:  I was playing beer league pretty regularly once a week up until a year ago when I suffered a groin strain and a hernia.  At the time I was using Nexus 800 pants in a medium, which in hindsight were too short for me.  In anticipation of finally being able to play again, I ordered a pair of large Nexus 1000s when the prices dropped.   Most of the fit is perfect, but I feel like they’re a little bit short still since they rise way up when I bend my knees or crouch (see the pics).  


I must have some stupidly proportioned legs, because I’m only 5’ 8”.  (Maybe my expectations are off too though, since I haven’t had pants that fit correctly yet.)  Right now I’m about 185lbs and a 35” waist.  I suspect they’ll hang at least a little bit lower and rise up less when I drop some weight off my backside, so my concern is if I get a large tall and they’re on the long side now, they’ll be way too long in the future.  Obviously the easiest thing to do would be try them on, but the nearest shop is an hour away and doesn’t stock tall sizes.  Worst case I’ll just order them and eat the cost of return shipping on one of the pairs, but I’d still greatly appreciate any input and experience from you guys.



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I just purchased nexus 1000 pants recently primarily for their traditional fit. I'm also 5'8 ish.. and also could use an extra half inch to inch in length. But OPTIMUS said it best..they look about right.

I don't crank the pants too tightly, as they should be higher on my hips than I wear them, but the superb protection allows for a looser, lower fit gaining a bit more length.  I KNOW this is not the proper

way to wear them I'm just telling you what I do to make up for the shortness...

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Thanks for your thoughts guys.  I've probably been overthinking this, too much reading and youtube videos without any feedback until now.  I tried dropping them down a bit and a half inch would be fine, but at an inch they start catching at the back of my knees, so you're right about the length.


I went with the nexus 1000 for their traditional fit too.  About 6 months ago I was near one of the HM stores so I went and tried on almost every pair of pants they had.  These made the top of my list, I just remembered them being a little longer.  Now if only I was ready to get back on the ice!

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You dropped them a half inch to get them to where they are in the photos? Because you wouldn't want them any longer than what's in the pics.

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I dropped them down afterwards.  They're sitting on my hips/waist correctly in the photos, so it sounds like they're right where they should be for length.

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49 minutes ago, ouroboros said:

I dropped them down afterwards.  They're sitting on my hips/waist correctly in the photos, so it sounds like they're right where they should be for length.

Okay then. Yea, if they're sitting where they should be in the pics then you wouldn't want to make them any longer. 

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