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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 2016 190 vs 180 skates

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I was able to try on a pair of the new 180's the other day and they felt great, but they did not have the 190's.  Will the stiffness between the 2 be about the same. I know that the 190 is titanium curve and the 180 is carbon curve. Does that make the skate that much stiffer.  Also, is the there enough padding on the 180 for lace bite protection compared to the 190 with the metatarsal gaurd?  


I am 6'1 250.  At this size will I feel the difference?  

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I cannot speak for the new  S190 vs S180 boot stiffness, however when I bought my skates a little over 18 months ago I was looking at the 190 vs 180. To me the boot in that 180 was a little less stiff. The 190 boot was the exact same boots that was used in the MX3; I went with the 190 and couldn't be happier. You also asked about the lace bit protection in the two, I liked the 190 over the 180 or MX3. The same lace bite protection in used in this year's S190. 


Depending on how much you skate and your budget, I would go with the S190 or look for a discounted 190 (sizes r getting limited but u can pick them up for around $400) no real differences between the S190  vs 190. At least IMO and that I wouldnt spend the extra $300-$350.


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I'm currently looking at both pairs, and the S180 isn't as stiff as the S190.  They both are Curv composite, but as you said, the S190 is Titanium Curv.  The tongues are going to have a different feel, as the S180 has a 48/30 oz. 3 piece felt tongue with a high density metatarsal guard that sticks out of the tongue, while the S190 is going to have a 52/40 oz. 3 piece felt tongue with an "injected" metatarsal guard.  The S190 tongue is much better in my opinion.  I actually just received a pair of 190 tongues for a customer who has the MX3 but hates the tongue.  Also, in the S190 you're going to get wear pads in the high friction areas around the 1st and second eyelet where the tongue rubs the liner.  This is a HUGE improvement.  I'm looking at my co-workers 190s from last model year right now and his liner is completely worn away in these areas.  Another thing to note is that the S190 comes stock with LS3 steel where the S180 come stock with LS2 steel.  LS3 is going to be taller and have a larger radius (11 feet, I believe) where the LS2 is going to have a smaller radius, at 9 feet.   I firmly believe that the jump from the 3rd level (X800 and S180) to the 2nd level (X900 and S190), is the biggest in terms of quality.  I'd recommend trying to get your foot into both and decide from there!  Hope this helps!


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Depends on your level of play.  You're a bigger guy, so the stiffer skate and outsole could do you some good.  The best option right now might be to go with the last gen 190 if it's available in your size.  If not, and if you're a regular beer league guy and the s190 is just too pricey, I think the s180 is more than sufficient for your needs. 


FWIW, I see no reason to spring for the s190 over the old 190 at nearly double the price.

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