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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS R2 shaft

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I went with my wife to a garage sale that was selling hockey gear. I ended up buying 3 Easton Z Bubble, a Mission L-2 and 2 TPS R2 (2005) shafts. I only use 2 piece sticks just because I am still grasping onto my youth (same reason I bought these shafts). I got standard blades put in the Easton and Mission shafts however I didn't have enough to fit the TPS. I was looking at the shaft and they say for new tapered designed blades. So I took a tapered blade off of a Mako shaft and fused it to the R2. There is a 1/4" gap between the shaft and blade. Does this mean I need to actually use standard blades in these shafts or Was there a thicker tapered blade that no longer exists?

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You could have gotten pro-stock or other special make up shafts that are in fact standard tapers. The fact that you got standards into the L-2 shaft gives me that impression as the retail L-2 was a tapered shaft and not standard.

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look inside of the shaft.  I picked up a TPS on Ebay and it seems they did not wonky things back in the day to make the shaft feel different than they do today ( I guess they where not concerned with making things light).  I found that they placed foam plugs inside of the shaft.  So 2 things may be going on. 

-The tendon of the blade may be longer than what they used. 

-The depth of the shaft hosel is shorter.

-There is a plug in the shaft that is creating an air pocket and that may keep the tendon from getting fully inserted.


I would pull the blade and investigate further.


Dont worry.  I noticed in the finals that both Thorton and Marleau  both play 2 pc set-ups...Not that they are spring chickens...but they do play at the NHL and they play a 2 pc rig...so I would believe others do as well.

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Some of the tenons on tapered blades have been different sizes over the years. All roughly similar, but with slightly different dimensions. Either you got pro stock shafts, or the previous owner blew out the shaft walls and jammed standard blades into the shafts. 

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I have an update. I have a friend that is the equipment manager for a junior team here in Ohio. I sent the shaft over to him with the blade I have. He called me today and told me that the TPS Shafts from back in the day had quality control issues and that his team was sponsored by TPS and that what 90% of most players had to do was wrap stick tape around the tenon usually 2 or 3 layers then but glue on the tape. Heat it up and insert. He did it for me and sent me a pic and yes the blade now fits perfectly in the shaft.

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