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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate progression for rapidly growing players ie teens?

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I tried searching but didn't really land on anything so would appreciate the collective wisdom of hockey parents here:

My son is turning 14, been playing since he was 4

I used to get away with buying him last year's close outs or lightly used skates when he was in smaller sizes. These skates would last a year at the most and would never get too beat up... I'd just stay with the same model and go up 1 size each year - simple.

But as soon as he crossed into Sr sizes things became increasingly difficult, and now that he's past size 7 it's next to impossible to continue doing what I was doing: adults are hard on skates, hold on to them longer etc etc

As a result I'm now faced to look @ more expensive options ie new(er) skates, and now wondering how feasible is it to make 1.5 size jumps? just to stretch the skate a bit longer...

would it be too much of an adjustment both performance and comfort wise?


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I had a somewhat related topic in the last week regarding my journey over the  last 2 months with skates and sizing for my 12 yr old who appeared to be crossing over into Adult sizes.  I will simply say this: my son wears an 8.5 sneaker and skated in a size 5.5D Bauer Vapor skate last night.  Aside from a mild concern over the tightness in the forefoot (he had been in Supremes for the previous 18 months), he had no issue with the length or toe box.  Do I think he'll be in this skate for a long time?  No.  But it's not so easy as following the sizing chart from the manufacturer.  Those are just guidelines and can't speak to individual fit, feel and preference.  Where my boy should technically be wearing a size 7 in Bauer, he's still in a 5.5.



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guess my question wasn't clear

my son has crossed that point a few years back, he's barely fitting in size 7D SKATES now

the question was whether jumping 1.5 size in SKATES is too difficult to adapt too? I used to always go up by 1 size every year but am wondering if I can stretch it a bit longer by jumping 1.5 sizes lol


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Your question could probably be phrased a little better, but I understand what you're getting at.  Starting with the assumption that going up 1 full size would put him in a perfectly fitting skate, then yes, the extra half size is ok, (not perfect, but acceptable).

If jumping up 1.5 sizes would be any more than half a size above perfect fit, I would advise against it.

All that being said, some people are fine with an oversized skate.  It's not recommended, but only the wearer can say if it's OK.

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Generally the answer would be no but as the previous poster said, everyone is different and your son may have near perfect foot mechanics which would allow him to get away with a larger skate. And he is getting to the age where his feet may start to slow down in growth, your size is a good guide line. 

Having been there and done that, I just searched for skates continuously often buying my kids next skate a year or more before they needed them whenever I found a good buy on ebay, craigslist, closeout etc. Your son is moving into the most common size range (8 to 10) so closeout sizing will be much harder to find but the second hand market will be much much larger. Look more at the top of the range, as 2nd hand skates they last a lot longer than the low to mid range models and they have a much better resale value. 

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