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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's the quality of the Vapor x80 skate?

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I bought my son some Vapor x700 skates at the beginning of summer and his feet have already outgrow them.

I see I can find some x80 skates in his size for more than $100 less. How would these skates compare?

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I have the X90's which are the equivalent to the 700's in the current range. I like them a lot. They have a nice stiff boot and great protection as well as the edge holders and LS2 steel. If you can find the 90's, they are just about as identical as you can get. I'm sure the 80's are just as good, so I wouldn't be too concerned if you're getting a good deal on them.

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The x80 is actually closer than the x90 in spec to the x700.  The x90 doesn't really have a comparable in the current line.

Having said that, the x80 was one of the best values in that line. I would definitely recommend them. 

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