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Nexus N8000 skate trouble.

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Hey guys.. new to the board.. did alot of searching and reading regarding pitch/profile but still have questions

Im coming from a CCM Ribcor 46k (way too narrow) and into a Nexus N8000. I loved the angle of attack I had on the 46k but the N8000 feel like I'm flat footed, or even sometimes wanting to fall/lean backward. The N8000 have a LS1 blade and I have Superfeet Yellow inserts. I just dont feel like Im getting as strong of a push with the Nexus skates despite them fitting WAY better.

1) What do I ask the store for in terms of making the N8000 more like the 46k?  A pitch change, or profile?

2) Will doing this kill the already small LS1 blades?

Thanks for your patience, Im sure this has been beaten down already. It's just the threads I have read really have me conflicted.

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You could always shim the rear tower of your holder. I always considered this route a more permanent solution but not as simple as changing the pitch on a set of steel.

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59 minutes ago, sensqautch said:

Hey guys.. new to the board.. did alot of searching and reading regarding pitch/profile but still have questions

Im coming from a CCM Ribcor 46k (way too narrow) and into a Nexus N8000. I loved the angle of attack I had on the 46k but the N8000 feel like I'm flat footed, or even sometimes wanting to fall/lean backward. The N8000 have a LS1 blade and I have Superfeet Yellow inserts. I just dont feel like Im getting as strong of a push with the Nexus skates despite them fitting WAY better.

1) What do I ask the store for in terms of making the N8000 more like the 46k?  A pitch change, or profile?

2) Will doing this kill the already small LS1 blades?

Thanks for your patience, Im sure this has been beaten down already. It's just the threads I have read really have me conflicted.

I don't have many answers, but the LS1 blade has a flat pitch just about I believe and I had them for sometime. Any new set of blades I always  have them profiled or pitch changed to prevent me from falling backwards and I did more than several times!


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3 hours ago, sensqautch said:

What profile/pitch do you ask for? 

I don't even know what to tell them 

You would tell that in degrees. For example, you can say that you want increase it by 1 degree. Not sure if 1 degree is enough for what you are looking for.

Note that pitch is a combination of boot and holder. Boot in ribcor is pitched forward like a skiboot more aggressively than any other CCM boot, the Nexus is more upright like an ordinary boot. So you'd need to alter the runner so the two are closer to each other in the angle of the back wall (below the tendon guard)

For example Graf PeakSpeed is 5 degrees more aggressive pitch than CCM JetSpeed by the time you factor in boot, hilder, and runner.

You can measure the difference between your RibCor and Nexus using a smartphone and a free protractor app. You would have to balance the skates on their runners and measure the angle of the back wall and see what the difference is.

Note that you do not want to match exactly. If you get 5 degrees, you probably can do with +3 profile. Then next time perhaps you can cope with stock.

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3 hours ago, sensqautch said:

What profile/pitch do you ask for? 

I don't even know what to tell them 

Go to a hockey shop that has a good reputation. Here I use Pro Hockey Life and they are well trained and seem to know so much it's unbelievable! Show them what you have and they can suggest better than most what to do to have you skating right.

Go to the people that know, the experts that do the work can solve your problems. They did for me with the same problem.


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