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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One .9 vs 190 Skates

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This is kind of a silly question seeing as both boots are pretty similar, and I know the differences between them.  I am just looking to get thoughts.

 I want to do a Inline conversion and keep one pair of pond hockey.  I was wondering if people had thoughts on which one they would use for pond hockey and which ones people would convert.

 Just a little background I have another pair of 190s I use for indoor hockey.  I was thinking of keeping the one.9s as pond skates and converting the other pair of 190s so I have an extra holder and steal for my main skates.  Its worth mentioning that while I just won the 190s on eBay from the pictures they look to be in the same condition as the one.9s.

Thoughts? Pro and Cons?

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Me personally, I'd use the One.9 for whatever you do the most of or take more seriously. It's an NXG with a felt tongue, still competes with some top of the line skates.

Again just me though.

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@fbvnyc it is.  I think what I am going to do is convert the One.9s and use the extra pair of 190s for the pond.  I figured they could double as a back up skate and why not have the same exact skate as a back up.  Other wise I would be switching from LS Edge holders to LS 2 holders with different steal.

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