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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Outdoor Wheel Recommendation

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Hey everyone, I'm looking to get a new set of wheels to replace the Dynasty III 74a's that came with my 5r52 Tacks that are way too grippy. They're going to be used outdoors, mostly on basketball/tennis court/outdoor rinks as well as driveway type surfaces. I'm debating between the Labeda asphalt 83a and the Grippers 80a. I'm also going to be trying out a rocketed setup since I play ice and want to get as close to an ice feel as I can without having to shell out for mars blade or sprung chassis'.

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I agree with lazyharpseal - go with the 83a Ashphalts for outdoor surfaces like basketball/tennis courts, outdoor rinks and driveways. If you were playing on smooth cement indoors then the 80a Grippers would be the way to go, but they'll get chewed up on driveway type surfaces.

And the rockered setup won't feel that close to ice. I've tried rockered, flat, the Tuuk rocker and Sprungs. The Sprungs are the closest to an ice feel out of the options I've used. The inventor of Sprungs is also supposed to be releasing an improved aluminum version later this year under the Fizix name. He mentioned they'd sell for $149US which is a bit cheaper than the current Sprung price. I would think the aluminum knuckles would also last longer than the plastic ones.


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Funny you mentioned the Fizix, that's part of the reason I'm holding off on Marsblades, I want to see how they compare both price and performance wise. I figured the rockered setup would at least get me closer to ice skate feel. Did you notice any difference when you tried it, or should I just stick with straight 80's? I just noticed turning has felt really weird the few times I've used them so far, but that might l just be the excessive grip/I haven't been on rollers in years and am just used to ice.

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For me, I noticed a shorter turning radius with the Tuuk Rocker chassis, but I was slower. When I rocked a flat chassis, the turning radius was a little shorter, but you could also feel the difference in wheel height. Things weren't as smooth as they are with Sprungs and you also get less grip. With Sprungs you get a more ice like feel, more grip, a better turning radius and it's much faster than the Tuuk Rocker and just as quick as a flat chassis. The drawback to Sprungs is the friction wear and tear on the plastic and the occasional broken knuckle - the aluminum Fizix should help with that.

Personally, I'd stick with the all 80mm setup for now and then buy the Fizix when they're available.

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You can't go wrong with either the 83A Asphalt or 80A Gripper. Myself I'm personally a fan of the 80A Gripper. They wear out a little quicker than the Asphalts, but the grip is much better.

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