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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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FBV Sharpening

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I just started getting the FBV sharpening (FBV 1/2 100/75), and I really like it.  It has a good amount of bite (I'm a short, lightweight player and do a lot of cuts and tight turns), but I also feel like it has a good amount of glide too.  My issue though, is that it seems like it loses that bite after only a few skates.  I had 2 games on sunday, and I reffed a game on sunday.  When I went to ref again on monday night, I feel like all that bite was gone.  But not entirely.  It's like I lost the bite when going for stops and starts... but I can still do cuts and tight turns without losing my edge.  It's a weird feeling, and I'm not even sure I'm explaining it properly.  

Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?  I feel like 3-4 skates on a freshly sharpened set of steel is not very much.  But maybe it is.  

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I use 100/50 and have been noticing that with the LS2 steel, I've had to sharpen my skates a little more often than I had before. I think this is due to the severe angle created by the FBV. The edges are thinner than standard hollows so it seems to me that they get bent easier which leads to more sharpening. I'm actually going to pose a question to the guys here about switching back to ROH and going 5/8's with Step Steel Black because of this. 

I love the edges on the FBV which is why I'm a little hesitant, but we'll see. Hope this helps.

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I found that when FBV lose their edge they really lose their edge. No gradual transition, just boom, it's gone. Another thing I noticed was I sometimes had trouble when I hit a really snowy patch or when I was doing edging drills. Sometimes It felt like the hollow filled with snow so I couldn't get the edge to grip the ice. 

Used FBV for about two years. When I got new skates, I just went back to standard 3/8 hollow. Transition was a bit tricky. Felt like I had too much bite, but got used to it again and think I like it better. Even with dull skates, it feels like I still have plenty of bite. 

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