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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Active players selling their Pro Stocks....?

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My new bored at work hobby is hunting through peer to peer sites looking for good deals on sticks and other gear. Seeing Pro Stock stuff for sale is nothing special, but what I didn't expect to see was a bunch of active NCAA players listing bundles of new 1N's, MX3's, other high end gear and not really trying to hide it. One guy i saw today was selling two NEW 1N's and in the description he even wrote "Issued by my college team but I dont like the curve, asking $$$".  

I have to imagine that colleges and other non-NHL pro teams would take exception to an active player selling team issued gear right?  Maybe i just take exception to it because I'm a beer leaguer and have to pay a bunch of money for all my stuff lol. 

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I have no idea what goes on exactly between teams and players, but i have been buying here and there for years from pro, semi-pro players as quite a few  play shinny where i play. Usually it is left overs they have and do not wish to use anymore as they move to the newer model / different curve. I have most recently purchased a couple of CCM sticks from a Q player. 


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My fuzzy impression is it could potentially be a violation of NCAA rules against athletes profiting from their athletics. The NCAA lost a recent case allowing athletes to profit from their image, but in this case, where it's goods purchased by the organization for the athlete seems like it doesn't fall within that decision.

In general it seems off that players would sell what their team bought specifically for them to use.

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As a former NCAA player, it's a clear (or at least it was when I played) violation that would basically cost you your spot on the team and any scholarship money. My guess is that the seller is embellishing his description. No actual player could be that stupid.

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