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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting tarps

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File this one under "questions I should have asked before clicking "buy now"...

It looks like the HockeyShot.com shooting tarp and the Snipers Edge shooting tarps are pretty much the same thing... Is that the case?  I've used one of the Snipers Edge ones at a local rink, but had a credit with HockeyShot, so I ordered the HockeyShot version.  If that's not a good idea I've probably still got time to cancel the order...

Anyone know?


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They look similar but the HockeyShot version has more accurate target shapes which hug the post better - meaning they're not just round holes.  HockeyShot version also has something similar to a '7-hole' on both left and right sides to keep things interesting.  I know which one I'd choose.

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Yes, they are both pretty similar. I recommend the HockeyShot version, mostly because it just has a classier look. Also, as stated by +YukonLiving , the HockeyShot does have 2 extra holes to spare boredom. Price-wise, HockeyShot has a $25 advantage (*as of 2/24/17), and also has a puck catching feature behind the shooting holes to prevent "lost-puck-syndrome." HockeyShot also states it vibrates when the puck hits the tarp, it absorbs the hit, preventing it from splashing back and breaking your sheetrock. Personally, I'd stick with the HS, but it's your choice.

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