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Pro Stock Fitlite helmet differences vs retail?

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Quick question for you guys-

Does anyone know if the pro stock version of the Fitlite helmet is sized differently or has different adjustments than the retail?

I've been offered a PS Fitlite for a good price on eBay, and the seller says it fits a little bigger and adjusts more than a retail, but has the same foam and padding system. Does that sound legit?


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I don't know, but that seems weird. you would think A person who plays enough to get paid for it, or a scholarship, would know their helmet size and not need more adjustment. 

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2 hours ago, HarpGuy said:

I don't know, but that seems weird. you would think A person who plays enough to get paid for it, or a scholarship, would know their helmet size and not need more adjustment. 

You can make basic shell sizes for different heads, but you have a custom helmet adjustments just make the fit better, there are too many head shapes to make a shell and liner that would work perfectly stock for everyone.

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Helmets aren't custom shaped for players, like they are for goalies. It's a sized base shell that gets adjusted just like a retail one. Sometimes they vary from retail in the types of foam used and how they fit. So it wouldn't be that unusual to have this helmet have different sizing and features. I'm just checking to see if anyone can verify that. 

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