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Senior Blocker and Trapper for smaller hands?

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My daughter is in Intermediates now but is due for a new set.  Her hands are pretty long for a 14 year old but are pretty thin.  Thinking intermediates again but just wondering if there are any senior ones out there designed for smaller hands?



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An original Brian's Gnetik has a very small hand to it.  And the Warrior G3 gloves, both catch and blocker, have interchangeable palms that can be replaced with smaller hand sizes.

Of course, there is always the custom route.  Both Brian's and Passau, as well as others I'm sure, can custom make a senior sized and spec glove with smaller internals.  I had a Gnetik2 glove and blocker with intermediate hands that fit perfect.  I have smaller hands and most gloves, including a stock Gnetik2, are way too big.

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My Passau is a senior glove with intermediate palm. It's worked out really well. 

I agree with the Gnetik 1 being a good bet, it seems to be a bit easier to close with smaller hands. 

What size is she? I have some Brians 33+1 S-Series for sale in my sale thread, which was modeled after the original Gnetik series. 

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Thanks for the info guys, might go the Passau route with them being in Montreal and a shortish drive from Ottawa.  Had a quick peek at retail and the intermediate ccm trapper is almost the same size externally as their senior, WAY bigger than her current intermediate reebok p4.  Intermediate blocker is quite a bit smaller though, same size as her old p4.  If we went retail we'd go senior blocker, intermediate trapper but I want to check out Passau.

She's all legs and is currently in 34+1 sub-zeros, thanks for the offer though.

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A friend of mine does repalming/repairs as a side business.  He's been recommended on MSH before, but I'll plug him again if it doesn't violate any rules.  If so, Mods, please let me know.

Charlie at https://www.facebook.com/Repalming/

I was at his house this morning and I brought up this thread.  He said swapping intermediate gloves onto a senior blocker is cake.

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28 minutes ago, seangriffin said:

Thanks for the info guys, might go the Passau route with them being in Montreal and a shortish drive from Ottawa.  Had a quick peek at retail and the intermediate ccm trapper is almost the same size externally as their senior, WAY bigger than her current intermediate reebok p4.  Intermediate blocker is quite a bit smaller though, same size as her old p4.  If we went retail we'd go senior blocker, intermediate trapper but I want to check out Passau.

She's all legs and is currently in 34+1 sub-zeros, thanks for the offer though.

Awesome. I just got a set of Passau. I really like them!

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I would only be concerned with the protection of an intermediate glove vs a senior. If she's only playing against girls her age, she's probably ok from shots. But against boys her age, you may want a senior level protection, especially within a year or two. 

I don't believe the hand size in either the Gnetik or Ritual G3 (with intermediate palm) is  a huge difference compared to that P4. The nice thing about both of those is that the palm  is smaller and the fingers closer together, but the finger stalls still have the full length. So that may work with her small hands but long fingers. The G3 is also super easy to close, which may be important for her vs any other Sr level glove. This is of course if the Passau doesn't work out. 

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Yeah I wouldn't go to an intermediate glove either. Especially when you can get an intermediate palm in a senior glove for no added cost, beyond the time spent waiting for it to be made.

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I have small hands too.  I went with Warrior G3 and changed out the palm with their smaller size.  It was a cheaper route and it's sorta great how customizable the blocker is.  With small hands I actually like the placement of my blocker a lot higher on my arm.  You can change the palm position to your liking which is very cool.  So if you can't afford or have time for a full customized built blocker this is another option. 

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