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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What wheel to sharpen my HyperGlide blades?

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I have built an at home sharpener (for less than $150) and I want to try it out. I will be using it on old steel first of course, but I was wondering what color wheel would be the best in the long run for only doing my own blades in either 5/8 or 3/4. . 


When I get it all put together I may do a build thread. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but I have yet to finish the dressing system, or the holder, which I may buy if I can find one at a good price. 

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I would start it now, but there are so many haters.


I'm not building to compete with a Wissota, or Blackstone, or Sparx. I'm building it for fun, and hopefully, with enough tweaking I could get usable sharpenings from it. 

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My shop uses white Howie's wheels and they seem to last pretty long as put a nice edge on both figure and hockey skates.  Is it a 1, 2, or 3 head system?

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It's a dozen robotic heads. It walks over, takes the skates off your feet, and sharpens them in 3x3 different directions. Also gives you a foot massage while you wait. hahaha. JK. It's a very simple 1 head machine. 


Thanks for the info! 

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