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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Supreme 1S LE

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Not sure if this is the right place for this, but here goes.

I read somewhere recently that there is actually a fit difference between the Bauer Supreme 1S skate and the 1S LE skate.  Specifically,  I read that the 1S LE is actually a cross in fit between the 1S and the 1X.  Is this true? I always thought the 1S LE was just an adjusted color?

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11 minutes ago, shooter27 said:

Not sure if this is the right place for this

It's not, so I moved your question into its own topic :)

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1 hour ago, shooter27 said:

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but here goes.

I read somewhere recently that there is actually a fit difference between the Bauer Supreme 1S skate and the 1S LE skate.  Specifically,  I read that the 1S LE is actually a cross in fit between the 1S and the 1X.  Is this true? I always thought the 1S LE was just an adjusted color?

They are absolutely NOT a different fit in any way. All of the "LE" products are just a different graphics package.


the only products that will have a mix of specs are special make up or "SMU" products but even then they do not combine fits from different lines, they simply offer differentiated specs and price points. Hope this helps.

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I heard from an online store site that the 1S skate now uses the Curv composite in the heel of the skate. Is that true? I cant find that anywhere in the catalog. I only see the upgrade to the Curv ankle support.

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