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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Technical data on stick flex

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I read this one another forum and thought others here might appreciate it.

Pretty interesting stuff 

A study on the flex of 13 top end sticks

I came across this a little while ago. It's a study comparing the flex profiles on 13 top end sticks, and the results, if they're accurate, are pretty interesting. 

What they did was measure flex starting from the butt end and then moving down the shaft towards the blade. They took the measurements and made graphs, which can be found using this link. http://twu.tennis-warehouse.com/lear...exprofiles.php

Anyways, the results are pretty telling. For example a Bauer 1X and Warrior QRL have very different graphs even though they're supposed to fill the same performance profile. I love the QRL but I finding it more difficult to use my 1X and this may explain why. It also explains why I've been drawn to the Super Tacks stick. It's graph is more similar to the QRL than the 1X is. Same with the XCore 9.

I was wondering what other's thought. Do the sticks you prefer, if they're one of the 13 measured, have similar graphs or are they completely different? 

In case anyone is keely interested, here's a link to a more indepth explanation of what this study did and how they did it. It's got math an formula's and stuff.


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52 minutes ago, malcb33 said:

I read this one another forum and thought others here might appreciate it.

Pretty interesting stuff 

A study on the flex of 13 top end sticks

I came across this a little while ago. It's a study comparing the flex profiles on 13 top end sticks, and the results, if they're accurate, are pretty interesting. 

What they did was measure flex starting from the butt end and then moving down the shaft towards the blade. They took the measurements and made graphs, which can be found using this link. http://twu.tennis-warehouse.com/lear...exprofiles.php

Anyways, the results are pretty telling. For example a Bauer 1X and Warrior QRL have very different graphs even though they're supposed to fill the same performance profile. I love the QRL but I finding it more difficult to use my 1X and this may explain why. It also explains why I've been drawn to the Super Tacks stick. It's graph is more similar to the QRL than the 1X is. Same with the XCore 9.

I was wondering what other's thought. Do the sticks you prefer, if they're one of the 13 measured, have similar graphs or are they completely different? 

In case anyone is keely interested, here's a link to a more indepth explanation of what this study did and how they did it. It's got math an formula's and stuff.



This was previously posted by @puckpilot, but still an interesting read. Wish more people knew this stuff before dropping ~$300 on a stick.

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On 5/10/2017 at 8:45 PM, malcb33 said:

I read this one another forum and thought others here might appreciate it.

Pretty interesting stuff 

A study on the flex of 13 top end sticks

I came across this a little while ago. It's a study comparing the flex profiles on 13 top end sticks, and the results, if they're accurate, are pretty interesting. 

What they did was measure flex starting from the butt end and then moving down the shaft towards the blade. They took the measurements and made graphs, which can be found using this link. http://twu.tennis-warehouse.com/lear...exprofiles.php

Anyways, the results are pretty telling. For example a Bauer 1X and Warrior QRL have very different graphs even though they're supposed to fill the same performance profile. I love the QRL but I finding it more difficult to use my 1X and this may explain why. It also explains why I've been drawn to the Super Tacks stick. It's graph is more similar to the QRL than the 1X is. Same with the XCore 9.

I was wondering what other's thought. Do the sticks you prefer, if they're one of the 13 measured, have similar graphs or are they completely different? 

In case anyone is keely interested, here's a link to a more indepth explanation of what this study did and how they did it. It's got math an formula's and stuff.




Agreed with you on the QRL vs. 1X opinion. It's funny, of all the sticks I've used over the past couple of years, the three sticks I liked the most all had similar graphs, being the QRL, Super Tacks and XC9.

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