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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley Combo Face Mask

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I am looking for an Oakley combo face mask. Visor on top, metal bottom. I take the bottom off and have a visor with good face coverage-better than other visors on the market. Any ideas?

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I used to wear a Oakley visor, but I'm going back to a hejduk visor after Reading This .. Victor Hedman's Oakley pro straight cracked/split in two after a hit and cut him in the face

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You want an Oakley 920 combo - combines basically a 910 visor with a cage lower. Best visibility I've ever had in a full face mask. If you just need a visor go for the 910, it'll cover your face about 3/4. Unfortunately I don't think they make the full combo anymore.


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13 hours ago, swede said:

I used to wear a Oakley visor, but I'm going back to a hejduk visor after Reading This .. Victor Hedman's Oakley pro straight cracked/split in two after a hit and cut him in the face

It wasn't´t Oakley, I believe it was a Bauer visor.

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I believe this is a VR910, as you can see it provides as much coverage as you can get in a visor:



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4 hours ago, DRR said:

I believe this is a VR910, as you can see it provides as much coverage as you can get in a visor:




I think there's a reason why not too many wear longish half shields like that: the extra length really doesn't do much for added protection, and it increases fogging while decreasing ventilation.  I wear a half shield exclusively, for the purpose of protecting my eyes from a head on puck or stick. That's all you can realistically expect from a shield. If you are that concerned about lower face protection, I would suggest going with either a Concept 3 or a cage.

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20 hours ago, clarkiestooth said:


I think there's a reason why not too many wear longish half shields like that: the extra length really doesn't do much for added protection, and it increases fogging while decreasing ventilation.  I wear a half shield exclusively, for the purpose of protecting my eyes from a head on puck or stick. That's all you can realistically expect from a shield. If you are that concerned about lower face protection, I would suggest going with either a Concept 3 or a cage.

Teeth and jaw are exposed either way. I do think the longer length may offer some additional protection from taking a stick blade in the eye area, but not nearly as much as a full face shield. Personally I don't have a lot of problems with fogging so that would be less of a concern with me. I do take extra good care of my visors so less chance water vapor will stick to the inside of it. Currently use an itech fx50 which lets me swap visors when they get old/scratchy anyway. To each his own.



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