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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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04 synergys and si cores

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I just came back from peranis and they have a huge sale on all their stick (excluding stealth) i picked up 2 sicore grips for 245.99$. the prices were:

Sicore- 139.99

grip sicore- 149.99

xn10- 129.99

All pro sticks were $99. They had tons of xn10 pros, and sicores/synergys.

American prices, right?

he's GTHL, which is greater toronto hockey league, but it could very well be that he went down to the states for a tourney or something

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I went to the flint, sterling heights, and novi. i ws down in michigan for the silverstick. All american prices. btw, it doesnt matter what size stick you want. If it is a senior sicore it is $139, and if it is a junior sicore it is still $139.99

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I'm on the phone right now with Peranis, Flint ordering an xn-10 pro-stock tkachuck for $99.00, and if you buy a second one (which I'm not) you get it for $80.00. Not too shabby. Thanks for the heads up man.

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Sweeet. I am just hoping it's an XN10 and not a painted response+. Either way it's a great price, provided I don't break her in under 30 days. My last XN10 was a retail Tkachuk and the blade cracked in only five games. And come to think of it my first Xn10 was a pro-stock and it lasted just about five games to, it snapped right in the middle of the taper. But in between those two I had two retails (tkachuk and nash) and both lasted well over two months. Ah, the price we pay for performance.

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well i've never seen hockey geeks selection but when i was at the peranis in flint, they had a A TON of pro sticks. and twice as many retails. It is almost impossible, to not find a curve you like. And, the people who worked there are very helpful. There were like 3 guys helping me find one stick, and all 3 came back to me with the stick i was looking for (iginla 85 sicore grip) all at once lol :blink:

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Well i have been in the peranis in livona which is massive and the one in saginaw which is smaller. I believe they are one of the best hockey stores i have ever been to. There never rude and they are usually great people you ask for something they will look for it and if they dont have it they will order it.

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