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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 7500 Helmet Tech vs the new stuff

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I know they say that the best helmet is the one that fits your head the best regardless of technology but I was curious to see if the the new $200-300 helmets are worth it. I never liked any Bauer helmet but the 7500 fits great, 4500 was meh but mostly looks. I've worn Resistance, IMS 9.0, V08 and tried on Reakt and Fitlite. The Reakt feels the best and the IMS 9.0 is great but at $140-200 new for these and the used market not being that much cheaper I'm wondering if it's actually worth it when 7500s are cheap. 

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I have 7500 and still think it is best Bauer helmet I ever had.

I have IMS and dont like it. At all.

Reebok 11K was good, RIP.

Warrior Krown was ok.

I dont like Bauer helmets, neither CCM. They just dont fit.

I am FAN of Easton E700, truly believe its best helmet. RIP too.

(all helmets I have of different colors, for different leagues/teams, thats why I have so many).


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