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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX stick

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I think we may have a repeat of the early yellow synergy grips. I've had my for not even 2 weeks and the grip has already bubbled and is falling off. Anybody else had this problem.

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How are you guys liking this stick? What is the puck feel like and how does it shoot?

Also, which curve is most like the Easton Modano?

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No word on the performance and puck feel?

My Alpha Nemesis just broke and my Stealth is not far behind. I am in the market for a new stick and am considering the vapor xxx. If it's anything like the Innovative True-1, I'm definitely interested.

I'm just worried that it won't have the same puck feel as the True-1. I know it's supposed to be the same thing, but I've seen a couple of reviews on the web that said that the feel wasn't as good as the xx's and the True-1 is a much better stick for feel than the vapor xx. Can anybody give me some further insight into this issue?



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I like the feel a lot, my blade is still stiff so thats a good sign. No problems besides the grip, I'd say go for it if you want to try something new.

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I like the feel a lot, my blade is still stiff so thats a good sign. No problems besides the grip, I'd say go for it if you want to try something new.

that doesn't sound too convincing. . .

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that doesn't sound too convincing. . .

Agreed. I don't want to try something new unless it's going to be better than what I'm using or used last. I love the feel of my Stealth, but to be honest, it doesn't shoot as good as the Hespeler Alpha Nemesis I had. I know the stealth will break soon and I will be getting a new one on warranty, but I want a second stick and I can get a good deal on a XXX. Anyone else have any input?

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I read those reviews, but most of them weren't very insightful. Some sounded as if the reviewer hadn't even used the stick. One guy said that the XX had better feel. Seeing as the XXX is newer and uses the True-1's technology, I highly doubt that. None of the reviews on epuck really have much detail on the performance of the stick. I was hoping to read a review somewhat like the reviews on this site.

Hey mods, what would it take to get a review page up for the Vapor XXX in the OPS section?

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