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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rattling sound inside RBZ 260

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When I move it, there's a vibrating sound coming from the hosel and blade. Any ideas what is could be / are there any fixes?

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You can try and take your butt end off and try to shake the loose piece out. Although that is if there is a loose piece. How long have you had the stick? Did this happen after you skated with it?

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3 hours ago, kdwyer56 said:

You can try and take your butt end off and try to shake the loose piece out. Although that is if there is a loose piece. How long have you had the stick? Did this happen after you skated with it?

I've had the stick about 5 months - just noticed it Tuesday, so it may have been happening before.



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4 hours ago, Jamarquan said:

I've had the stick about 5 months - just noticed it Tuesday, so it may have been happening before.



Alright, well you might have hit the stick a certain way to knock loose a piece and if you cannot shake it out then it could be the epoxy.

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3 hours ago, vinprun71 said:

Same thing happened to my Superfast. Not much you can do about it. I've take the plug out and tried to shake the piece out, but that didn't work.

I just tried it and it didn't fall out.

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