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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ccm ribcor skate fit

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The new Ribcor's that are coming out are also known as a flexible boot. Meaning that if you have a narrow foot when you het mold the skates they will form better to your foot and if you have a wider foot they will open up when you heat mold them. I tried the 70K's on yesterday and heat molded them to see the difference and after the heat mold (on my narrow foot) it wrapped pretty nicely so I would like to say it would do the same for a wider foot.


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16 hours ago, Chiefbonehead said:

I have Reebok 11k's right now and they fit my wider feet compared to bauers and Easton. Do the ccm ribcors (say 50k) have that same width or are they a completely different fit?

To stay with CCM you"d likely have to go to the Tacks line.

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My last pair of skates were 11k. When they finally gave up the ghost, I tried everything on. 50K were a definite no go. Had pressure points where the toe cap met the rest of the boot. Two best fits for me I found were the Bauer Supreme S190s in EE and the Nexus N9000 in D.

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5 hours ago, Chiefbonehead said:

I got a pair of 50ks in 7ee and they're a bit too big, and the 7d's were too narrow. Looking for ccms in 6.5ee now

Might want to check out the Tacks line.

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