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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dynasty glove volume

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Would a 13" dynasty glove would be more similar to a 14" supreme or vapor glove in terms of snugness? I know it is supposed to be a volume fit but 14" seems too roomy...

thanks in advance

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I happen to have all of the 3 lines(13" ax2 and 13.5" ax1 pro, 13" apx, 14" apx2 and 14" x80, 14" NXG ). Length wise, 13" dynasty feels like 13.75" vapor. But believe it or not, I think 13" dynasty is even more tapered fit than 14" vapor...more snug in fingers and opens up more in the wrist area.


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4 hours ago, canqingz said:

 But believe it or not, I think 13" dynasty is even more tapered fit than 14" vapor...more snug in fingers and opens up more in the wrist area.


I would agree with this. I have a pair of pro stock Dynasty Wide gloves, and they are of average volume (nothing like the width of my old MIA"s). I would think the standard width D's would be fairly narrow.

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