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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer ls2 holder vs. bauer edge holder

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has anyone gone back to the ls2 holder after using the edge holder?  what were you experiences?  after using the edge holder for awhile I feel like the ls2 is a bit more solid and built.  also having a bigger issue with bending steel on the edge than the ls2.  has bauer discontinued the ls2 holder yet?

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The trigger is convenient but in terms of hassle free maintenance I think the ls2 is better. I see a lot of edge holders that, when the blade is put in the jig to sharpen, the boot sags. I don't know if later releases of the holder fixed this. Some players have gone back to the ls2 instead of getting a new edge holder. Can't comment about Bauer production for ls2 but you can still buy them though.

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The Edge holder is stiffer and taller, which I like, but I think the LS2 is more solid long term.

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